rise of Online Business Scams (online shop)
rise of Fraud in Virtual Worlds
(Online Business Scams)
Internet in Indonesia began the
first time in the 1990s. Society using the internet at that time was still very
limited, usually people
who are in big
cities that use it. In contrast
to today, people from all walks of life can
use the internet for
various things. The old, the young, until
the children are now able to use it for
kebutuhanya. Online businesses are now rampant
once carried people
to buy and sell merchandise.
Many things which is the reason they use the internet
to expand its
business in line with the rapid development of the internet. In addition
to the many conveniences provided in this sale, but there are many difficulties
experienced by many sellers in the market
dagangannya.Tetapi also fraud cases through the online sale, because
the sale is not like
buying and selling in general, they met then there is a transaction. While buying and selling online for example through facebook,
they only communicate
through facebook or through SMS. This paper
discusses the advantages of buying and selling online,
the difficulty, as well as cases that occur in the
online buying and selling along with the rapid development
of the Internet in Indonesia.
Internet development in
Information technology has opened the
eyes of the world will be a new world, new interactions, new market place, and a business
networking world without borders. Well recognized that the development of technology called the Internet,
has changed the patterns of community interaction, the interaction of business, economic, social, and
cultural. Internet has contributed so much to society, company / industry
and government. The presence of internet has been supporting
the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's operations, particularly its
role as a means of communication,
publications, as well as a means to obtain
the information needed by a business entity and
form a business entity or other institution. the
positive impact of a technology in Indonesia
yanitu internet can
facilitate the search for information,
articles, job postings, and much more. But
besides a positive side also can not be separated from the negative side, among others makes people become lazy.
Understanding Business Online
/ Buy Sell
In an age when the Internet seemed
to have become a primary need for
people, especially in urban areas, the process of buying and selling over the internet certainly is not foreign. Internet is not only
the consumption of certain groups
like many years ago,
but has penetrated into the middle class bawahProses
buying and selling through the internet
is commonly known as e-commerce. E-commerce or Electronic
Commerce or EC
is essentially a part of the electronic business. EC is a process of buying
and selling, transfer, or exchange of products, services,
and information through
computer networks, including the Internet. Business to Consumer (B2C) is a transaction
that occurs between the company and
the buyer. Every year there are new technologies
that came out in
the form of desktop computers,
laptops, mobile phones, iPhones, and an
assortment of other gadgets. Rapid
development makes the price of the gadget becomes
cheaper due to less sophisticated then other gadgets. This
makes the goods covered by
the public. Coupled with easy Internet access, the Internet became a familiar
Online Business Advantages
The online store is a site of numerous
trading activity or buying and selling goods and services that are connected in a network in this case is internet.Ketika network
transactions in an
offline store, we
are free to choose the items
that we will buy. Sometimes we need to put the goods we buy into the shopping cart and then we
give up the shopping
cart to the
cashier to count
the total of expenditures
kita.Modal Not Too
Big Capital does not not need to be big
to millions of dollars. The minimum
cost of connecting to the Internet or cafe.
No need to buy inventory
or stock availability
thinkers (except those willing to trade their
own products). On the internet many
are willing to receive
any help from us to sell their products.
The term we commonly referred to as an affiliate, associate or partner
mereka.Hemat Time and Costs Why shop online can save
you time and expense? Imagine if
you have a
customer that is far
beyond the island, of course, the customer
is subscribed to find
it difficult to shop in your store if you
just focus on offline
store sales. This is not going to waste a
lot of time, effort and cost perjalanan.Tetapi not
the case if you also have an online store in
addition to your offline store. Customer You
just choose the products ordered through
your online store
website that is
presented in the form of an image,
then fill out the
order form items, pay using a transaction system,
and the goods will
be in between by courier services on
time that has ditentukan.Tidak Need to Keep Stores every Time
Not like an
offline store, you
must faithfully waiting
for customers who come to shop. In the
online store, you
do not need to be constantly waiting for arrival
of the prospective buyer, the transaction because reservations can be made by email or system that has been in
the online store.
Scams Buy or
Sell Business Online
Lately a lot of cases of online fraud
is arrested by
the police. Online business is easier for the
perpetrators of fraud in the act, because they
do not meet directly
with buyers. Most
commonly found in cases of fraud is
fraud by using
your facebook account. Fraud with
sale of mobile phones and electronic mode via
online bloom on
FB lately, with the claimed goods BM
(Black Market) of
Batam and the price
much cheaper than the market price makes
many people interested
in ordering the goods on offer,
it should be immediately
memblow media this
case up so that
more people are
aware that there
are scams masquerading handhone and electronics
sales in the FB
and to be cautious about online transactions
over more suspicious
if the price offered.
and selling online scams Current
Until There Is No Sanctions.
Although buying and selling online scams already partially
revealed, but individual
action against such measures have not been up to a
lot of the realm
of law. This is due to online
fraud victims are
reluctant to report to law
enforcement, while the article
is a fraud complaint
"Most of them are ashamed of being the victim, and when
reports are not accompanied
by strong evidence,"
said Director, Achmad Zaky, in discussion "Online Fraud" in Jakarta,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011.
Based on the victim's complaint, he never reported to the police. However, efforts are constrained on evidence that the legal process is not running. To that end, prospective online buyers need to be emphasized for data recording details of all transactions conducted online.
"From the start of the first contact, should be recorded. Most buyers are less aware with this data record, "explains ICT Watch activist, Arif Taufik.
Ironically, in terms of regulation, UU ITE already accommodates about online transactions. Arif mentioned in Chapter 5 of Article 17 to 22, but not many people know about it.
Other efforts that can be taken to strengthen the verification of accounts and websites that are suspected of fraud is with the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis and Information Technology and Ministry Komumikasi. "That we will do," he said.
Zaky advised that internet users are not tempted by the lure of fast earn money in a short time and not be tempted by the price of goods is very skewed. Better said, buy goods to people who already know the track record.
"No Performer online scams everywhere with various modes. Some even use hypnosis, "the message.
Based on the victim's complaint, he never reported to the police. However, efforts are constrained on evidence that the legal process is not running. To that end, prospective online buyers need to be emphasized for data recording details of all transactions conducted online.
"From the start of the first contact, should be recorded. Most buyers are less aware with this data record, "explains ICT Watch activist, Arif Taufik.
Ironically, in terms of regulation, UU ITE already accommodates about online transactions. Arif mentioned in Chapter 5 of Article 17 to 22, but not many people know about it.
Other efforts that can be taken to strengthen the verification of accounts and websites that are suspected of fraud is with the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis and Information Technology and Ministry Komumikasi. "That we will do," he said.
Zaky advised that internet users are not tempted by the lure of fast earn money in a short time and not be tempted by the price of goods is very skewed. Better said, buy goods to people who already know the track record.
"No Performer online scams everywhere with various modes. Some even use hypnosis, "the message.
Buy Sell Online
Fraud is on the Rise Sharply Do Some of
Buying and selling online scams Current
Until There Is No Sanctions, 1 of 5 Internet Users Be a Victim
of Fraud, Leaked Playboy Magazine In
Peer To Peer, Online
Fraud, Fraud Online
Sales, How to Buy Online, Online Openness
Analysis of
Fraud in Online Business
Many factors
lead to fraud through an online business, specifically each country has a lever
and pull factors that led to the rampant cases of fraud through an online
business in Indonesia:
1. Factors
a. the absence of a thorough certification teradap every online purchase.
a. the absence of a thorough certification teradap every online purchase.
b. areas where there is poverty, unemployment, tuna wisa with weapons and violent conflict. These areas pose urging people to strive by all means, including fraud.
c. traders who exploit weaknesses in online trading.
d. families who can not overcome its economic life will find other ways to meet their needs
e. economy: poverty, lack of opportunity to get a decent job.
f. Social: social obligation to assist and help the family finances, the desire to be financially independent, wants to align with neighbors or peers are successful.
g. culture: consumerism or materialism, desire to earn money easily.
h. personal or private: the private nature deceitful for personal purposes.
2. Pull
a. efficiency: the needs of the cities will ease trade and business.
b. social or culture: the need
for services buying and selling easy and fast.
Process of inquiry and investigation in a case of human trafficking was based on Law No. 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP).
Process of inquiry and investigation in a case of human trafficking was based on Law No. 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP).
for the investigation of criminal fraud policy is:
1. Protection of victims
2. Revealed evidence of fraud and transaction
3. Confiscate profits from crime
3. Confiscate profits from crime
4. General and special prevention.
Police should handle cases of business scams online that let trained for it. It is important to prevent the police or the report recipient who then appointed investigator did not know and understand the conditions of the victims of human trafficking. Victims also often have a fear of law enforcement officials because the victim thinks reporting only prolong the problem.
Fraud crime victims the right to obtain information about:
1. Stages of handling criminal cases, the role of the victim's position relating to the handling of criminal cases.
2. Possibility to obtain legal assistance free of charge
3. What kind of protection can be expected to reach the protection of victims and the
4. Possibility to obtain information about the progress of the case handling
5. Remedies available to file a claim for compensation in the context of a criminal case.
6. The decision to stop the investigation or prosecution.
Testimony of victims is early evidence to initiate a formal criminal process, this information will be processed. Reports or complaints made trafficking victims can not simply revoke his statement and stop the process of investigation or prosecution has been initiated for the crime of human trafficking is a threat to the public interest. If the investigation is terminated, the police must give to the victim SP3.
Article 378 of the Penal Code formulated as follows: "Any person who with intent to benefit themselves or others with a legal fight, with a false name or false dignity, by cunning or by a series of lies move others to give something to her body, or in order to give eliminate debt and receivables, as threats of fraud with a maximum imprisonment of four years. "
Article 18 UU ITE
(1) Electronic Transaction are poured into the Electronic Contract binding upon the parties.
(2) The parties have the authority to choose the law applicable to international Electronic Transactions made.
(3) If the parties have not made a choice in Electronic Transactions international law, the applicable law is based on the principles of International Law.
(4) The parties have the authority to establish the forum court, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution authority to handle disputes that may arise from the international Electronic Transactions made.
(5) If the parties fail to make the choice of forum referred to in paragraph (4),the determination of the authority of the court, arbitration, or other alternative dispute resolution authority to handle disputes that may arise from the transaction, based on the principles of International Law.
Thus, the crime of trafficking in fraud through an online business is a transnational crime and can not be solved by partial or individually by each state.
Tips to Avoid Online
Scams Sale
Increase of
Internet users
in Indonesia, not
only in use
as a business opportunity, but also as a field of
fraud, especially if not fraudulent buying and selling online.
Actual fraud in the transaction on the internet, not only cause harm to the buyer, but also can overwrite the seller. But of the cases, the buyer is the victim of the most in buying and selling online scams. therefore takes precision and vigilance in conducting business transactions online or internet.
Tips to Avoid Scams maybe Buy Online Selling the following can help you.
Actual fraud in the transaction on the internet, not only cause harm to the buyer, but also can overwrite the seller. But of the cases, the buyer is the victim of the most in buying and selling online scams. therefore takes precision and vigilance in conducting business transactions online or internet.
Tips to Avoid Scams maybe Buy Online Selling the following can help you.
For Sellers
1. Beware if there is buyer
who says, "I'm
fast stuff in
between these days with the amount of xxxx
.. (rather a lot)
". Quite often this is just to get
the goods without making payment.
2. Other mode, "I've transfer please send it fast" and apparently transferan never done. However, this method tends to be avoided because most online store owners are already using SMS or internet banking so they can do the check directly.
3. Avoid transactions Saturday and Sunday, because on the internet banking account entries come off.
4. If you receive a payment COD (Cash on Delivery), then you should take a friend to reduce the level of fraud (hypnotized, kidnapped, blackmailed, etc.) and do in a crowded place.
Pick Websites Clearly
you decide to trade on a website, make sure the website is well-known or
obvious like Amazon and make sure the website clearly lists their address and
phone number you can call. Perform intensive communication with the seller to
know the "style" of the seller.
See Pictures and Price
the website displays the goods for sale or not, if not, you should avoid it.
And also do not forget about the price in the offer, if it is cheaper (not
unreasonable), you should look for another place.
Payment Method
websites that use COD payment (Cash On Delivery) or REKBER (see picture below),
but it also has its own problems and hassle, because we have to mengecheck
further validation or correctness of the Ber Rec. If the seller only accepts
payment transfer, then do an intense communication, be it by sms, chat or the
is actually not a guarantee, but you can judge the seller of testimony or
comments from the buyers, if there is no testimony, then you can do that in the
communication as referred to above.
Periodically monitor Website
monitor the website that you want to use as a place to buy goods, if there is a
significant change as the data address and the phone number in the contact, you
should avoid it.
The Good Care
sellers who are ready to serve you at any time (normal hours) and with the
rapid process, if you get a very slow seller and seem reluctant to sell the
goods, then leave it out.
7. Tanya purchase Forums
7. Tanya purchase Forums
to be active in buying and selling online forums, where we can share knowledge
and information with each other about the good and not the seller.
Search on Google
Especially for those of
you who love doing business with foreign websites by typing an example how to
scam or upset and then type the name of the website or the data seller (of
Name, Name of the account owner, YM, etc.) that you want to trade if there are
a lot of members / reseller who revealed disapointed because bertaransaksi the
website or the seller? when you should leave
to Report Fraud Online Sale
Maybe it is common knowledge that the work of our
legal apparatus against online fraud report still looks "reluctantly
averse" and the complicated process. However, you can try to report fraud
online transaction you experienced how:
1. Record
all the data 'x', phone number, address, photos etc.
2. Copy
all like transactions and other evidence.
3. Report
and provide all the evidence to the nearest police.
basically, it's a crime depends on human beings themselves, if there is a
chance, anyone will surely not humane thing is disgraceful. Economic trouble
could be the occurrence of moral turpitude.
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