Rabu, 29 Mei 2013



1.1 Background of Study

In this occasion we will discuss about the cybercrime, and cyber stalking. As we know, the Development of the Internet and cyberspace in general do not always result in positive things. One thing that is a negative side effect, among others, is a crime in the cyber world or, cybercrime. The loss of the limits of space and time on the Internet changed many things. The phenomenon of cybercrime is to watch out because this crime is quite different from most other crimes. Cybercrime can be done regardless of territorial boundaries and is not required direct interaction between the perpetrator and victim of crime. Could be ascertained with the global nature of the Internet, all countries conducting internet is almost certainly going to be affected by the development of this cybercrime.

1.2 Problem of Study

1.   What is Cybercrime?
2.   How many types of Cybercrime?
3.   What is the Cyber stalking?


2.1 Definition of ­­­­­Cybercrime
Cybercrime is an evil forms arising from the utilization of internet technology. Some opinions match the cybercrime with computer crime. The U.S. Department of Justice gave the explanation computer crime as:

 "Any illegal act requiring knowledge of computer technology for its perpetration, investigation, or prosecution."

The definition is identical to that given Organization of European Community Development, which defines computer crime as:

"Any illegal or unauthorized behavior unehtical Relating to the automatic processing and / or the transmission of the data".
            As Andi Hamzah (1989) in his “Aspects of Crime in the Computer field,” defines computer crime as:

"Crime in the field of computers in general can be defined as the illegal use of a computer".

From some of the above, in summary it can be said that cybercrime can be defined as an unlawful act committed with the use of internet-based on the sophistication of computer technology and telecommunications.

1. Characteristics of Cyber ​​Crime
So far, the conventional crime, recognized the existence of two types of crime as follows:
a. Blue-collar crime (blue collar crime)
This crime is a type of crime or criminal acts committed in the conventional, such as robbery, thief, murder and others.

b. White-collar crime (white collar crime)
These crimes are divided into four groups of crimes, namely corporate crime, crime bureaucrats, malpractice, and individual crime.
Cybercrime itself as a crime that appears as a result of online communities on the Internet, has its own characteristics which is different from the above two models. The unique characteristics of crime in cyberspace include five of the following concerns:

1. The scope of the crime
2. Nature of the crime
3. Perpetrator
4. Crime mode
5. Types of losses incurred

2.2      Types of Cyber ​​Crime

1.  Based on the types of activities done, cybercrime can be classified into several
types as follows:
a.    Unauthorized Access
Is a crime that occurs when someone enters or breaking into a computer network system illegally, without permission, or without the knowledge of the owner of the computer network system into. Probing and port is an example of this crime.

b.    Illegal Contents
Crime is done by entering data or information to the internet about something that is untrue, unethical and may be illegal or disrupt public order, for example, is the spread of pornography.

c.    Deliberate spread of virus
Spread of the virus is generally done using email. Often people who email system exposed to the virus do not realize this. The virus is then transmitted to another place via email.

d.    Data Forgery
This type of crime is done with the aim of falsifying data on important documents that exist on the internet. These documents are usually owned by the institution or agency that has a database driven web site.

e.    Cyber ​​Espionage, Sabotage, and Extortion
Cyber ​​Espionage is a crime that utilize the Internet to conduct espionage against the other party, by entering into the computer network of the target system. Sabotage and Extortion is the type of crime committed by creating a disturbance, destruction or destruction of the data, computer programs or computer network systems that are connected to the internet.

f.      Cyber stalking
This type of crime is done to annoy or harass someone by using a computer, such as using e-mail and be done repeatedly. The crime resembles terror directed at someone with utilizing internet media. This could happen because of the ease of making an email to a specific address without having to include the identity of the true self.

g.    Carding
Carding is a crime committed for stealing credit card numbers belonged to someone else and used in commercial transactions on the Internet.

h.    Hacking and Cracker
The term hacker usually refers to someone who had a great interest in learning the details of computer systems and how to improve its capabilities. As for those who often commit acts of vandalism on the internet usually called cracker. Arguably this is actually a hacker cracker that utilizes the ability for negative things. Cracking activity on the Internet has a very wide scope, ranging from hijacking an account belonging to someone else, piracy websites, probing, spreading the virus, to incapacitate the target. The latter acts as a DoS (Denial of Service). Dos attack is an attack aimed at crippling a target (hangs, crashes) and so can’t provide the service.

i.      Cybersquatting and typo squatting
Cybersquatting is a crime committed by registering the domain name of the company of others and then trying to sell them to the company at a price that is more expensive. The typo squatting is a crime to make a play on the domain domains similar to domain names of others. The name is a domain name of a rival company.

j.      Hijacking
Crime of piracy is hijacking other people's work. The most common is Software Piracy (software piracy).

k.    Cyber ​​Terrorism
An act of cybercrime including cyber terrorism if the government threatens or citizens, including cracking to the government or military sites. Some examples of Cyber ​​Terrorism cases as follows:
• Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the first attack to the World Trade Center, the attack in detail known store encrypted files on his laptop.
• Osama Bin Laden was known to use steganography to communication networks.
• A website called Muslim Hackers Club known tip to write a list of hacking into the Pentagon. A hacker who calls himself Doctor Nuker known to have less than five years of defacing or change the content of a web page to the propaganda of the anti-American, anti-Israel and pro-Bin Laden.

3    Based on the motif activity does, cybercrime can be classified into two types as follows:

a. Cybercrime as a purely criminal act. Pure evil is a crime is a crime committed because the criminal motives. This type of crime is usually to use the internet only as a means of crime. Examples of this kind of crime is Carding, the theft of credit card numbers of others to use in commerce transactions on the Internet. Also the use of Internet media (webserver, mailing lists) for the spread of pirated material. Anonymous sender e-mail containing promotional (spamming) could also be included in the example crimes using the internet as a means. In some developed countries, the perpetrator could be charged with spamming allegations of privacy violations.

b. Cybercrime as a crime "gray". On the type of internet crime that fall into the "gray", is quite difficult to determine whether it was a crime or not activities are sometimes not given the motive for the crime. One example is probing or port scanning. This is the name for the kind of action in the surveillance of other people's systems to gather as much information from the system under surveillance, including the operating system used, the ports there, either open or closed, and so on.

3.  While based on the targets of crime, cybercrime can be grouped into several categories as follows:
a.              Cybercrime is attacking people (Against Person)
This type of crime, targeted attacks directed at an individual or individuals who have certain characteristics or criteria to the purpose of the attack. Some examples of these crimes include:

• Pornography
Activities undertaken to create, post, distribute, disseminate material and pornography, obscenity, and expose things that are inappropriate.

• Cyber Stalking
Activities undertaken to disrupt or harass someone by using a computer, for example, by using e-mail is done repeatedly as cyber terror in the world. The disorder may be sexually explicit, religious, and so forth.

• Cyber- trespass
Activities undertaken violate the privacy of others areas such as Web Hacking. Breaking into the PC, Probing, Port Scanning and others.

b.              Cybercrime attack property rights (Against Property)
Cybercrime carried out to disrupt or attack the rights of others. Some examples of this type of crime such as accessing computers illegally through the cyber world, possession of unauthorized electronic information / information theft, carding, cybersquatting, hijacking, the data forgery and all activities that are detrimental to the rights of others.

c.              Cybercrime attack the government (Against Government)
Cybercrime against the Government done with the specific purpose of the government assault. The activities such as cyber terrorism as acts that threaten the government as well as cracking to the official website of the government or military sites.

4. Mitigation and Cyber ​​Crime Solutions
Cybercrime is a principal activity of the attack on content, computer systems and communication systems of others or the public in cyberspace. The phenomenon of cybercrime is to watch out because this crime is quite different from most other crimes. Cybercrime can be done regardless of territorial boundaries and does not require direct interaction between the perpetrator and victim of crime. Here's how to overcome them:
a.    Securing the system
The real purpose of a security system is to prevent the destruction of parts of the system as entered by unwanted users. Integrated security systems is necessary to minimize the possibility of such destruction. Build a security system must be integrated steps in the overall subsistence, with the aim to narrow or even close the gaps unauthorized adverse actions. Personal security can be carried out starting from the installation of the system until finally heading to the stage of physical security and data security. Safety systems of the attack through the network can also be done by securing FTP, SMTP, Telnet and Web server security.

b.    Global Mitigation
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have created guidelines for policy makers dealing with computer-related crime, where in 1986 the OECD has published a report entitled Computer-Related Crime: Analysis of Legal Policy. According to the OECD, several important steps that must be performed every country in tackling cybercrime is:
1. To modernize criminal law and its national procedural law.
2. Improving national computer network security system according to international standards.
3. Increase understanding and expertise of law enforcement officials regarding the prevention, investigation and prosecution of matters related to cybercrime.
4. Increase awareness of citizens on issues of cybercrime and the importance of preventing such crimes occur.
5. Increase cooperation between countries, both bilateral, regional and multilateral, in tackling cybercrime.



Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to harass any individual, group, or organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage for data or equipment, the solicitation of children for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. Action cyberstalking can be very dangerous and scary, especially for children and teenagers. This is because one's personal identity information is not known on the Internet provide give a space for the stalker (stalker) to roam freely carry out the action. Cyberstalker (actor cyberstalker aka stalkers) and often doing something extreme because they feel they can’t be arrested and / or convicted of difficult to detect.

Here are some criteria that cyberstalking act on a number of ways and purposes:

1. Wrong accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim. They post false information about them on the site and certain websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this evil purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions.

2. Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyberstalkers may undertake approach their victim's friends, family and co-workers to obtain personal information. They can monitoring an information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They will often monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims.

3. Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his family in some way, for example by posting the victim's name and phone number to encourage others to join disturb the victim.

4. Wrong victims. Cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him.

5. Attacks on data and equipment. They may try to damage the victim's computer by sending viruses.

6. Ordering goods and services. They order items or subscribe to magazines on behalf of the victim. These often involve subscriptions to pornography or ordering a sex toys are then sent to the victim.

7. Arrange a meeting. The youth at high risk, especially against cyberstalkers are trying to arrange a meeting between them.

The Cyberstalker can also do a few things below:

• Keep an eye on the victim's online activities via spyware (a programs that designed to spy on someone's mobile computer or remotely)
• Track the location of the victim using GPS technology
• Intercept by phone call or SMS someone
• Impersonate victims
• Supervise and watch the activities of the victim through a hidden camera

Although online harassment and threats can be done in many forms, cyberstalking has important characteristics with offline stalking. Many online or off stalkers are motivated by a desire to control or supervise their victims and engage in it to achieve their goals. Such evidence exists, most indicated that the majority of cyberstalkers are men and the majority of their victims are women, although there are reported cases of women cyberstalking conduct against men and against same-sex cyberstalking. In many cases, the cyberstalker and the victim had a prior relationship, and the cyberstalking begins when the victim attempts to sever the relationship. However, there are also instances of cyberstalking by strangers. Given the large amount of personal information available through the Internet, a cyberstalker can easily locate private information about a potential victim with.

The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is more dangerous than physical stalking. This is not necessarily true. With internet functions are an integral part of our personal lives, professional stalkers can take advantage of the ease of communication as well as increased access to personal information. In other words, the stalker may be unwilling or unable to confront the victim in person or on the phone, he probably had little hesitation sending harassing or threatening electronic communications to a victim. Finally, like physical harassment stalking, threats online may be the beginning of a more serious behavior, including physical violence.

Prevention Tips
1.    Do not share personal information before the public anywhere online, or give it to strangers, including in e-mail or chat room. Do not use your real name or nickname as your screen name or user ID. Choose a name that is gender and age neutral or appropriate. And do not post personal information as part of the user profile.
2.    Very careful with online meetings and contacts with other people. If you choose to meet, do so in a public place and bring along your friends.
3.    Make sure that you have a network of "acceptable use policy" that prohibits cyberstalking. And if your network fails to respond to your complaints, consider switching to a provider that is more responsive to user complaints.
4.    If the situation becomes hostile online, log off or elsewhere online. If you are in a situation of fear to a place, contact local law enforcement agencies.